Reflecting back on this month, feeling pretty good with the amount of time and focus I’ve put in. I’ve settled into a good amount of “side hustle” energy and time. No “official launches in the month of April, but I’ve started a few new products I’m excited to finish.
The Numbers
📈 119 new visitors to
📈 48 New Users to
💌 15 New Subscribers to Best Web Digest
Open rate is averaging less than 8% 😿
💌 29 Total Subscribers (+7) to this newsletter
Open rate is averaging 75%
#️⃣ 9 New Twitter Followers
🥂 1500 Podcast downloads for Living The Fit Life
What Went Well
🚀 Living the fit life: Not so much a launch but more of an announcement. I’ve been hosting a Fitness podcast for a local community. I will post more about this in the coming weeks. Until then, please give us a listen! It’s about Fitness, nutrition, recovery and community!
⏳ Owning my own Content: I spent a lot of time getting my content organized! I’ve created four new brands for it not to create too much overhead. I needed some organization. I’ve brought in a good mix of long-form and short-form content.
💵 Crunch: Created a brand and landing page for a new google sheet that I’m going to try to sell on Gumroad. Check out the site and stay tuned for the launch date.
What Did Not Go well
🎡 Didn’t complete a project: I technically didn’t start and finish a project in the past month. Not a bad thing but this marks the first month I didn’t deliver a new product.
Follow me on Twitter. I’ve been posting regularly, including a weekly Friday Fix with some excellent links that you should check out.
Action Items
Create a brand for short-form content.
Launch Crunch Subscription Managers.
Post article about Living The Fit Life Podcast.